Options: Champion Trader

Options are the resourceful financial instrument. Though, options can be complicated and risky. Intelligence7 Option trading pro-aid in understanding the employment of Options which are used worldwide to hedge not only the portfolio risk but also to maximize the return on investments. The study focuses on different kinds of Options, and option trading strategies that offer a wealth of possibilities to the market participants provided they take well-elaborated and research-backed decisions.
To trade Options, you will have to know the terminology associated with the Options market. This course nicely spins around such technical terms about which you still may be ignorant. Options Strategies course aims to teach the participants to build their own Option strategy with sophisticated approaches to preserve and build capital. The leverage and volatility of options trading can create dramatic results with a small amount of capital only on a good tutorial. The obligatory learn to practice the requisite skills to identify, assess, and execute trading opportunities in order to create, manage, and evolve various strategies and produce consistent profits from Options Trading.
- Mind and Money Management
- Hedging Techniques
- Follow the Path of Least Resistance
- How to handle various Market Scenarios?
- Lose Small and Win Big.
- Intraday and Swing Trading Strategies
3 Months Internship
NISM Certification
NCFM Certification